The Science Notebook
is an educational site for curious people of all ages and
is provided free of charge to its visitors. Unless
otherwise noted, all content is copyrighted by Norman
Young. You are free to use any material you find here as
you see fit except that you may not sell all or part of the
content, whether by itself or bundled with any other media.
It would also be nice if you would give proper credit to
the site for any material you use. And if you are doing
a school project, giving credit is mandatory. Otherwise,
it is plagiarism, which is just a fancy word for cheating.
Every effort has been made to provide useful and
accurate information and to avoid any inherently dangerous
activities. However, while we don't want to get all legal on
you, anyone using the information on this site does so at his
or her own risk, and
The Science Notebook will not be
held responsible for any accident or injury as a result of the
use of this site.
The site contains experiments and demonstrations that
have been tested and are thought to be safe when done
with proper supervision and a reasonable amount of care.
While many of these experiments may be done by children, some
are more advanced and should not be attempted without adult
supervision. Also, some projects require the use of
flame, heat, glass or sharp objects. Any of these things
can be dangerous if not used properly. Activities that
make use of these items are generally considered to be
unsuitable for children without proper adult supervision.
The site also contains various science manuals used with
science sets many years ago. While some of the
experiments contained in these sets are perfectly safe,
others use chemicals, materials and procedures that would
be considered hazardous today. Therefore, these
manuals are included here for historical purposes
only. If you should wish to attempt any of the
experiments from these manuals, you must understand that
you do so at your own risk.
Regardless, of the activity,
should always be the number one consideration. No matter
how interesting or educational an experiment may be, it is not
worth getting hurt, so please observe reasonable
safety precautions when doing these
or any other experiments.
You should also note that we do have links to a number
of sites not connected in any way with
The Science
Notebook. These links are offered here because
they have been useful to the webmaster, but
The Science
Notebook does not control the content of external
sites and will not be held responsible for any accident or
injury as a result of the use of such sites.
If you can’t agree to the above, please go
elsewhere. Otherwise, feel free to hang around and
explore the wonderful world of science!
"The Science Notebook" Copyright 2008-2018 -
Norman Young