The Science Notebook
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NOTE:  This book was published in 1942 as a manual to accompany several Lionel Chemistry sets of the time.  While some of the experiments and activities here may be safely done as written, a number of them use chemicals and methods no longer considered safe.  In addition, much of the information contained in this book about chemistry and other subjects is outdated and some of it is inaccurate.  Therefore, this book is probably best appreciated for its historical value rather than as a source for current information and good experiments.  If you try anything here, please understand that you do so at your own risk.  See our Terms of Use.
Pages 318 - 320


Acids, 31 ff.
Alcohol lamp, 11
Aluminum, 168 ff.
Ammonia, 47 ff.; uses of, 52
Antimony, 146 ff.

Balance, 11, 15
Barium, 152
Bases, 33 ff.
Beaker, 9
Bessemer process, 183
Blowpipe, 11, 13
Blueprinting, 249
Boneblack, 80
Borax, 137 ff.; bead tests, 203
Bromine, 109

Calcium, 152; oxide, 155; hydroxide, 156 ff.
Candle, 11; flame, 87 ff.
Carbohydrates, 229, 261 ff.
Carbon, 79; dioxide, 89 ff; dioxide, importance of, 94 if.; "dry ice", 97; gases, 89; monoxide, 89
Carbonates, 97 ff.
Carborundum, 113, 114
Cellophane, 231
Cements, see glue
Charcoal, 84
Chlorine, 103 ff.
Chromium, 175 lf.
Coal, 81; gas, 83
Coal tar, 84; products, 85
Cobalt, 196
Coke, 83
Combustion, spontaneous, 44
Compounds and mixtures, 30 ff.
Copper, 190 ff.
Crystallization, water of, 75 ff.

Decomposition, 23 ff.
Diffusion, 74
Displacement, 26 ff.
Dyes, 221 ff.

Elements, 28; list of, 29
Enfleurage, 235 .
Erlenmeyer flask, 11
Eye dropper, 11

Fats, 256 ff.
Fermentation, 269
Fertilizers, 283
Ferrocyanides, 149 ff.
Fibers, textile, 231 ff.
Filtering, 69
Flame tests, 201 ff.
Flask, see Erlenmeyer flask
Fluorine, 102
Foods, 256
Frasch process, see sulfur
Funnel, glass, 11



Galena, 181
Galvanizing, 172
Gas, delivery tube, 11; generator, 11; masks, 80
Gasoline, 100
Glass, 116 ff.
Glue, 244 ff.

Halogens, 102
Heating spoon, 9
Helium, 54
Hydration, water of, see crystallization
Hydrochloric acid, 108
Hydrogen, 53; properties of, 53 ff.; sulfide, 125
Hydrolysis, 35

Indicators, 36 ff.
Inks, 211 ff.; secret, 301 ff.
Insecticides, 285 ff.
Iodine, 109 ff.
Iron, 183 ff.

Lead, 181
Limestone caverns, 153
Litmus paper, 36 ff.

Magnesium, 170 ff.
Manganese, 177 ff.
Matter, changes in, 20; conservation of, 17; division of, 17; movement of, 19; states of, 18

Measuring spoon, 11
Milk, 267 ff.
Molecular theory, 19
Molybdenum, 163 ff.
Mortar and pestle, 9
Mucilage, see glue

Nitric acid, 52
Nitrogen, 46 ff. cycle, 47; fixation of, 52
Nylon, 234

Open hearth process, 183
Oxidation and combustion, 42 ff.
Oxides, 45 ff.
Oxygen, 40; occurrence of, 41 ff.

Palm, 205 ff.
Paper, 229
Perfume, 235 ff.
Pestle, see mortar
Petroleum, 100
Phenol, 84 ff.
Phosphates, 141 ff.
Phosphorous, 141
Photography, 250
Plastics, 252
Platinum, 199
Potassium, 161
Proteins, 259 ff.
Reduction, 55 ff.
Rubber, 252

Salt, see sodium chloride
Salts and neutralization, 34 ff.
Silicon, 112 E.
Silver, 198
Sodium, 159 ff.
Sodium chloride (salt), 109
Soil, 283
Solutions, 66 ff.
Specific gravity, 72
Steel, 183
Stibnite, 146 ff.
Stirring rod, 11
Strontium, 158
Substances, 28
Sulfates, 135


Sulfur, 121; forms of, 121 ff.; Frasch process, 121; mining, 121
Sulfuric acid, 134
Surface tension, 72 ff.

Tanning, 246 ff.
Temperature, 70 ff.
Test tube, 9; brush, 9; holder, 9; rack, 9
Textile, 229
Thermit, 57
Thermometer, 11
Tin, 180
Tubing, glass, 13, 120; rubber, 11
Tungsten, 163 ff.

Watch glass, 11
Water, electrolysis of, 65; properties of, 59 ff.; purification, 63 ff.
Weights, emergency, 16

Zinc, 172 ff.

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"The Science Notebook"  Copyright 2008-2018 - Norman Young